The College can assist reporters, feature writers and workplace freelance writers as well as assignment editors, and editorial board members.
As a body made up of the best and brightest individuals in the field of Labor and Employment Law, we recognize the critical importance of honest and accurate reporting and fair representation of the laws, the individuals, and processes that make up our area of legal focus and practice. The College is available to all media channels and representatives as a means of support and clarification as it may apply to the efforts of the media to better understand labor and employment law at the local, state and national levels.
For more information, please contact our administrative office at 410–972-4711 or email our Executive Director, Susan Wan.
The College does not provide legal counsel or advice. Fellows of the College may be available to provide legal counsel in their individual capacities as labor and employment lawyers .
Law schools, scholars of labor and employment law, labor and employment law historians and students can benefit greatly from the intellectual and practical value available through the College of Labor and Employment Lawyers. The College’s primary mission includes supporting creative and thoughtful teaching of Labor and Employment Law, supporting and enhancing the existing curriculum, bringing depth of real life experience to law students through visiting professor and mentoring programs, and pushing the traditional boundaries to bring the current and dramatically changing legal environment into clearer focus.
For more information, please contact our administrative office at 410-972-4711 or email our Executive Director, Susan Wan.
The College does not provide legal counsel or advice. Fellows of the College may be available to provide legal counsel in their individual capacities as labor and employment lawyers.
The College sponsors a Writing Competition for Law Students, in conjunction with the ABA’s Section of Labor & Employment Lawyers. A distinguished panel of attorneys from around the country will review the submitted papers written on current and relevant topics of labor and employment law. Please click HERE to view the Announcement and Rules for this Competition.
Read the winning submissions from previous years from The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers and the ABA Section of Labor and Employment Law’s annual Writing Competition for Law Students on the right. The papers cover current and relevant topics of labor and employment law.
The College is available as a resource in the field of labor and employment law and can assist the federal judiciary and governmental agencies in improving our nations justice system in the context of workplace issues. The Fellows of the College, all of whom have practiced at least twenty years in the field of Labor and Employment Law, are extremely well versed in, and are a repository of knowledge concerning the numerous labor and employment matters regularly faced by judicial and federal government tribunals.
The College and its Fellows are dedicated to the promotion of excellence, the highest standards of professionalism and civility among and between practitioners, respect for the rule of law and to serve as a resource for its numerous constituencies including Labor and Employment Lawyers in the government sector, as well as the judiciary. We are committed to Leadership for Greater Purpose, which includes improving our nation’s system of justice in the context of workplace issues.
For more information, please contact our administrative office at 410-972-4711 or email our Executive Director, Susan Wan.
The College does not provide legal counsel or advice. Fellows of the College may be available to provide legal counsel in their individual capacities as labor and employment lawyers.
The College is available as a resource for experience and knowledge in the area of Labor and Employment Law. Collectively, the College supports bar associations and their members at the national level and in each state across the country, and in ways that support the mission of bar associations to serve their members, their profession and the public in the field of labor and employment law.
For more information, please contact our administrative office at 410-972-4711 or email our Executive Director, Susan Wan.
The College does not provide legal counsel or advice. Fellows of the College may be available to provide legal counsel in their individual capacities as labor and employment lawyers.
Large and Small – Human Resource Professionals and In-House General Counsel in private and publicly held organizations.
As a source for outstanding talent in the labor and employment legal community, we can be helpful in solving some of the many problems affecting the American workplace. Our Fellows have been privileged to serve as counsel for individuals and in support of businesses and organizations of different size and scope. We exist as a resource in the field of labor and employment law. Our Fellows are available for formal or informal discussions, speeches or formal presentations on labor and employment law topics.
For more information, please contact our administrative office at 410-972-4711 or email our Executive Director, Susan Wan.
The College does not provide legal counsel or advice. Fellows of the College may be available to provide legal counsel in their individual capacities as labor and employment lawyers.
The Fellows of The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers recognize the importance of reaching out to those individuals and groups who are in need. Our position is rooted in a long-term commitment to use the depth of knowledge, experience and the resources available to us in the field of Labor and Employment Law, as a force for the support of others in need. Our Fellows have been privileged to serve as counsel for individuals and advocacy groups in support of workplace rights and can be helpful in solving some of the many problems affecting the American workplace. We exist as a resource in the field of labor and employment law. Fellows are available for formal or informal discussions, speeches or formal presentations on labor and employment law topics.
For more information, please contact our administrative office at 410-972-4711 or email our Executive Director, Susan Wan.
The College does not provide legal counsel or advice. Fellows of the College may be available to provide legal counsel in their individual capacities as labor and employment lawyers .
Many of our Fellows have been privileged to serve as counsel for and in support of labor unions and their representatives. The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers exists as a resource to labor unions and their representatives for informal discussions, speeches and presentations on particular labor and employment law topics. Our Fellows are well versed in the areas of federal and state court litigation, in labor arbitrations as well as issues concerning union organizing, negotiation, internal union matters, and numerous other labor union matters.
For more information, please contact our administrative office at 410-972-4711 or email our Executive Director, Susan Wan.
The College does not provide legal counsel or advice. Fellows of the College may be available to provide legal counsel in their individual capacities as labor and employment lawyers .
The College of Labor and Employment Lawyers and
American Bar Association Section of Labor and Employment Law
Annual Law Student Writing Competition for 2024