The College’s nomination form for membership is divided into two sections. The first section, which is marked Part A, is to be completed by the two sponsoring nominators. The sponsoring nominators should promptly forward the remaining section, marked Part B, to the nominee for his/her completion. Fellows may not nominate colleagues within their firm or organization. When completed, the nominee must return Part B of the form to one of the sponsoring nominators, who is responsible for submitting both sections to the College office in Annapolis, Maryland for processing. Upon receipt of the completed nomination form, the nominee’s candidacy will be considered by a Credentials Committee comprised of Fellows in the Circuit where the nominee practices. Final decision on membership is made by the Board of Governors of the College. 

The qualifications for election are set forth in Articles II and III of the By-Laws of the College. The Board of Governors believes that the By-Laws set forth very specific standards and expects that all Circuit Credentials Committees will use them when evaluating the candidacy of a nominee. The By-Laws also require that nominees have been in the field of Labor and Employment Law for at least 20 years and have proven to their peers, the bar, bench and public that they possess: 

In addition to the traits described above, a Fellow is expected to display other traits in the day-to-day practice of law. The list below is by no means complete, but is provided to nominators and nominees by way of example as guidance in determining whether a prospective nominee meets the expectations to be a Fellow.
A Fellow is an individual who:

Each nominee must complete a personal statement as part of the application process. Nominators should review that statement carefully and be completely satisfied that he or she fully meets the criteria for membership before forwarding the nomination form for consideration.